Watershed Exploring a New Water Ethic for the New West

Whiskey is for drinkin'. Water is for fightin'," says Jeff Ehlert, a fly fishing guide. It's a saying he's heard throughout the Colorado River Basin. As the most dammed, dibbed, and diverted river in the world struggles to support thirty million people across the western United States, the peace-keeping Colorado River Pact is reaching its limits. In Watershed, Ehlert joins rancher Dan James, Delta restoration worker Edith Santiago, Navajo Council member Glojean Todacheene, Rifle Colorado Mayor Keith Lambert, and Outward Bound teens rafting down the Colorado River as they reflect a compelling new water ethic embracing conservation, re-use and coexistence for all.


Mark Decena

Iscrizione film

26° Festival


05 Giugno - 11 Giugno 2023

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