Enrico Bisi

Born on the fifth May 1975, graduate at Turin University of Literature and Philosophy, with a thesis in "History and Critic of the Cinema".
From 2000 editor and director freelance.

2000 - La Resa (The Revenue)
2003 - A Occhi Aperti (Eyes Wide Open)
2005 - Si Diverta a Guardare, Documentary
2006 - La Prima Immagine, (The First Image)
2007 ... Enigma
2008 ... Per Necessità, (Because I have to)
2008 ... Nulla da Nascondere (Tibet in India), (Nothing to Hide)
2009 - Solo un Giorno (Just One Day)
2009 - Distanze for Walls and Borders
2010 - Pink Gang

Iscrizione film

26° Festival


05 Giugno - 11 Giugno 2023

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