Fabio Pusterla

Poet, essayist and translator Switzerland

His first poetry collection Concessione all’inverno (Casagrande, 1985) won immediate acclaim from readers, critics, and fellow poets. Since then he has published Bocksten, Le cose senza storia, Pietra sangue, Folla sommersa, Il Nervo di Arnold, Corpo stellare, Argéman e Cenere, o terra (Marcos y Marcos). He has translated the work of Philippe Jaccottet, including Alla luce d’inverno, E, tuttavia, and Antoine Emaz’s Sulla punta della lingua. His own works have been published in many languages and won prestigious awards such as Premio Montale, Premio Schiller, Premio Prezzolini, Premio Dessì, Premio Gottfried Keller, and Premio Napoli.

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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