Elisabetta Lodoli

Clean up the world, born in Australia in 1989, arrives in italy in 1994 and is the most big international event of environmental voluntary work, involving every year more than 100 countrie all over the world. To the edition 99 have partecipated more than 500.000 citizens, went on the streets to clean 3500 areas in 1300 italian towns: adults, children, families, schoolchildren, associations who answered to the call of Legambiente.In occasion of the 2000 edition, held on last September 24th , Tele+ realised 15 short films, in collaboration with Legamabiente, titled La monnezza (Rubbish), of 3-11 minutes lenght. These 15 short films have been directed by famous, young and beginner directors

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




Subscriptions are now closed
