Live before you die (Vivez avant de mourir)

Vivi prima di morire
by Tom Lloyd Documentary Regno Unito/UK 2008 6'

This road film is the result of a 9-month journey following a Travellers caravan, a sort of present-day hippies, who roam the English countryside in their colored horse-pulled wagons filled with self-made handicrafts, moving between meetings and fairs, followed by their animals, and in search of direct contact with nature and others, outside the restrictive rules of modern society. The soundtrack by the Finnish group Husky Rescue and the beautiful super8 images convey a nostalgia for times past and a hymn to a simpler, carefree life. The film was presented in the Short Film Corner of the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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