Battle in Seattle

La battaglia di Seattle
by Stuart Townsend Fiction USA 2007 100'

In 1999 Seattle hosted the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference. Thousands of demonstrators arrived from around the world to protest against an organization founded to protect the interests of the rich countries and the multinationals. What started out as a peaceful protest escalated into a full-scale riot against the police. The National Guard was called in and a state of emergency was declared. This, together with the new force of the no-global movement, have attracted media attention. In this docudrama, Townsend recounts the events through the eyes of very different witnesses, enlisting an all-star cast and effectively mixing real footage and shot footage of the battles between protesters and the police.<%YOUTUBE=QJsgs_Z6BVw%>

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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