Tegenlicht: Here comes the sun

di Rob van Hattum Documentario Netherlands 2008 50'

This documentary will change your ideas about the future of energy. A surface the size of France covered with solar plants in the desert is enough to fuel the entire planet. So with all the global warming, the oil dependency, the energy security problems, why don't we shift into a Helio Society. In fact we are doing so. The German politician Hermann Scheer has changed the German economy into a Solar Economy. Prince Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan pleas for Large Solar plants in the desert. The electronics industry is taking over the Solar Business by a booming production of cheap thin film Solar Cells. We are shifting to a solar economy. The only thing is you don't know it…..until now.


Rob van Hattum



Iscrizione film

26° Festival


05 Giugno - 11 Giugno 2023

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