Entre muros e favelas

Between Walls and Favelas
by Kirtsen Wagenschein, Marcio Geronimo, Susanne Dzeik Documentary Brasile/Brazil, Germania/Germani 2005 63'

"I watched bodies being dragged along the streets in our neighbourhood. They were wrapped in blankets soaked in blood. When I saw this, I fainted. It all happened after my son's murder". Marcia lives in a favela in Rio de Janeiro. Her son was one of the 1194 people killed by Rio de Janeiro's police in 2003. This socially engaged documentary gives voice to residents of the favelas. Shot mainly in the shanty towns of Rio, it tackles the issue of police violence against marginalised groups in society. The majority of victims are young men ... mostly black or mixed race, who live in the poor areas of the cities. In a social context that tends to criminalize poverty, relatives of victims and NGOs fight to denounce the criminal use of violence by law enforcement agents in the favelas and to stop a system that treats its residents as second
class citizens.


Brasile/Brazil, Germania/Germani

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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