Cortile d'acqua

Courtyrad of Water
by Luca Pastore Experimental Italia 2001 10'

Cortile d'acqua is a videoart installation created in 2001 for the exhibition "Io Adriatico. CiviltaÌ€ di mare tra frontiere e confini", held at the Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona. Loop projection took place in a room, with 4 video projectors and 4 large screens inside the Mole. The installation is made up of 4 synchronized masters shown on screens lined up horizontally: during the showing of the film, the 4 independent images sporadically unite to compose a single image 64m x 9m. Present are locations, views, symbolic elements and "portraits" of inhabitants of areas along the Adriatic coast and eastern Mediterranean, who speak to the audience in their native languages, with brief comments and anecdotes in Greek, Serbo-Croatian, Albanian, Turkish, and southern Italian dialects from Puglia and Le Marche. Subtitles in Italian, including a short glossary of terms.


Luca Pastore



Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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