Un po' di petrolio

A Bit of Oil
by Nicola Angrisano 2010 30'

On the night of 23 February 2010, over 2500 tons of oil leaked from a former refinery in Villasanta, in the province of Monza and Brianza, into the Lambro, a Po tributary, then Piacenza on the Po, before reaching the Po Delta several days later. The cause of the oil spill was criminal and its effects on the environment were devastating. Investigation into the circumstances though local interviews shed light on a disaster the national media were loath to cover: speculation in the use of industrial zones for redevelopment and the growing control of the area by organized crime.Cooproduction with insu^tv - teleimmagini<%YOUTUBE=SN8BxA497ms%>


Nicola Angrisano

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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