Antonio Martino

Antonio Martino graduated from DAMS in 2004 before making Fatma Aba-ad. Come ho imparato ad amare i Saharawi. In 2003 he made the documentary Siamo fatti così, in which Freak Antoni, singer with the Skiantos, appeared. In 2005 he shot Noi siamo l'aria, non la terra on location at Cernobyl. In Romania he made the prize-winning Gara de Nord-copii pe strada (2006), which earned him the Premio Ilaria Alpi 2007. With Pancevo-mrvta grad (2007) he won the Special Mention award in the Italian documentary competition category at the 2007 CinemAmbiente.

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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