Roberto Della Seta

Environmentalist Italy

Former member of parliament and coordinator of the scientific committee and president of Legambiente, with which he has collaborated for the past 30 years. He is currently president of the Fondazione Europa Ecologia. He writes on the environment and history. He is the author of: Guida verde del consumatore (with Francesco Ferrante, Longanesi 1992), La difesa dell’ambiente in Italia. Storia e cultura del movimento ecologista (Franco Angeli 1999), Dizionario del pensiero ecologico (with Daniele Guastini, Carocci 2007), Patria. Un‘idea per il nostro futuro (with Emanuele Conte, Garzanti 2011), and La sinistra e la città (with Edoardo Zanchini, Donzelli 2013).

Film submission

26° Festival


05 June - 11 June 2023

Competition registration




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